Closest Airport
Aeroporto di Palermo "Falcone e Borsellino"
Public organisations at the airport | ||
ENAC | 800-898121 | |
ENAV (Flight assistance) | +39 091-7043027 | |
FORESTRY CORPS - CITES | +39 091-7020353 | |
+39 091-591409 | ||
CUSTOMS | +39 091-7020216 | |
Police forces and emergency numbers | ||
Carabinieri | +39 091-7020307 | +39 091-6525028 |
Guardia di Finanza | +39 091-7020126 | +39 091-591694 |
Customs Police | +39 091-7020352 | +39 091-6525211 |
Fire Brigade | +39 091-7020792 | +39 091-6520092 |
Air Health | +39 091-7020266 | |
Gesap offices | ||
Toll free number | 800-541880 | |
Switchboard | +39 091-7020111 | |
Find accomodation in Palermo
Tel 091 7437304
Fax 091 584830
Grand Hotel Wagner
Via R. Wagner, 2 - 90139 PALERMO - Tel. +39 091 336572 - Fax +39 091 335627 -
Via R. Wagner, 2 - 90139 PALERMO - Tel. +39 091 336572 - Fax +39 091 335627 -