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International Week of Football Sicily, 2011

Become a Sponsor

Dear Potential Sponsor,                                                                               
The organizing committee of the 1st International Week of Football is inviting key companies from around the world to sponsor this event which will contain:

- European Football Week 11-15 April 2011 (Catania, brand new football Complex)

- 1st International Conference – Science and Football 15-17 April 2011 (Palermo)

It is expected that the European Football Week will gather around 50 football coaches’ trainees. Very famous coaches and physical preparators will be running the theoretical and the practical sessions in the state of the art brand new Football Complex, part of Catania premier division Football Club.

The 1st International Conference – Science and Football conference will attract around 250 delegates from around the world. Key World football personalities will be attending the event.

The Opening Ceremony will take place in the Royal Palace, Palermo, Italy 15th April 2011, whereas the main Conference, the dinner gala and the closing ceremony will take place in the Steri Palace 16-17 April 2011. Both venues are classified historical buildings. Highlighted below are several key opportunities for sponsorship. Sponsors will be given naming rights to the sponsored events. Major sponsors will be given a slot to address a 30min talk to the delegates, an active link on the Conference website, recognition in the Congress handbook received by all delegates and an exhibit site. To become a sponsor, please send an email to Dr Monèm Jemni (University of Greenwich, UK)
Sponsorship opportunities will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. If these opportunities fall outside of your requirements but you still wish to support the conference, please contact Dr Monèm Jemni to discuss alternatives.

  • European Football Week Major Sponsor – 4000 €

The European Football Week will take place in the state of the art brand new Football Complex, part of Catania premier division Football Club. Companies will be given:

  1. Choice of an exhibit spot on site
  2. Possibility for the coaches’ trainees wearing designed sport outfit displaying the logo of the company for the 4 days

  • European Football Week – Sport bag - 1000 €

Attendees and instructors (including very famous football personalities) will receive a sport bag at the registration which will display the sponsor's logo.

  • European Football Week – Sport Drinks - 1000 €

Interested companies will make their drinks available for the attendees and instructors (including very famous football personalities) during the football week.

  • European Football Week - Exhibition site: 1000 €
Opportunity to decorate an exhibition stand with promotional material and to display/distribute your products.

  • European Football Week – One Day Sponsor – 1500 €

The European Football Week will take place in the state of the art brand new Football Complex, part of Catania premier division Football Club. Companies will be given:

  1. Choice of an exhibit spot on site
  2. Possibility for the coaches’ trainees wearing designed sport outfit displaying the logo of the company for one day. Note this opportunity is only possible if the major sponsor is not found
  • European Football Week – Bag Insert: 250 € per item
You will be given the opportunity to insert promotional brochures or other item in the attendees and instructors’ bags displaying the sponsor's logo (including very famous football personalities).

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  • Conference Major Sponsor: 3.000 € or more
A major spotlight of the Conference, where local politicians, honorary guests, invited world football personalities will be attending and/or given awards.
  1. Sponsorship of the opening ceremony (2 hours cocktail and canapé)
  2. Awards and presents’ to the invited speakers
  3. 30 min talk within the conference session
  4. Choice of an exhibit site
  • Conference Dinner Gala: 2.500 €
A major social event of the Conference. The evening will include pre-dinner drinks, dinner and entertainment. The dinner will be an opportunity for the sponsor to be associated with a memorable evening. Benefits include:

  1. Opportunity to decorate venue with promotional material
  2. Awards and presents’ to the invited speakers
  3. 30 min talk within the conference session
  4. Choice of an exhibit site
  • Exhibition site: 1000 €
Opportunity to decorate the exhibition stand with promotional material and to display/distribute your products.

  • Conference Lunches: 1000 € per day
Two lunches will be provided during the conference in the Palace’s restaurant. This presents an ideal opportunity to expose your corporate identity to a large percentage of the delegates. Opportunity to decorate venue with promotional material

  • Conference Coffee Breaks: 500 € per day
Morning and afternoon coffee breaks will be provided for all delegates in the exhibition area. Sponsors will have the opportunity to profile their corporate logo at the event.

  • Conference Poster Awards: 1st 500€ – 2nd 400€ – 3rd 300€
There will be one poster session which will be held adjacent to the exhibition venue. Interested parties can sponsor the session and one of the awards:
  1. Opportunity to decorate venue with promotional material
  2. The best poster will be awarded 500 Euros followed by the second 400 Euros and the third price 300 Euros.
  • Conference Totes: 300 €
Attendees receive tote bags at the registration which will display the sponsor's logo on the back.

  • Conference Tote Bag Insert: 150 € per item

You will be given the opportunity to insert a promotional brochure or other item in the Conference tote bag displaying the sponsor's logo.

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